
18 October 2011

grr. best menipu kan?

the first time in my life, in our relationship i heard that he lie to me. Berapa lama dah menipu ni ? Dari first day we knew each other ke or memang tu perangai you sebenarnya ? Best menipu kan ? Sebab rasa terselamat bila orang tak dapat tahu what you kept as a secret kan ? But Thank god, Entah lah, i believe you very much but tadee guna pun kan ? you pun dah start buat perangai dah sekarang. yess! yesterday i got a fight with him. haa see bergaduh sebab benda yang simple but m'nyakitkan hati. you know what?? aku belum pernah sayang people mcm aku sayang dia but boys are really suck sometime! aku rasa mcm kasi sesuatu benda kepada orang yang tak twu menghargai mcm sia-sia. i think i need to forget you but how? :'( hurt and totally hurt aku pun dah penat dengan all guys. whatever la apa-apa pun i hope you understand me and try to think for our future. i don't believe you boy! i hate you.

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